
Cobbycorn.com is an off-shoot of CornNation.com, a Nebraska Cornhuskers-based website that is part of the SBNation network.

CornNation was started in 2006 by Jon Johnston, a Nebraska alum, who felt that the Cornhusker media space needed more humor and irreverence. Another Nebraska alum, Brian Barber, created Cobby, the logo of the "Corn Guy".

Cobby became an early mascot of CornNation.com. He was unfortunately replaced as the main logo by the last re-design of the website, but he still lives here, in our hearts, and perhaps on your apparel should you choose to purchase a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, or one of those weird "print all over" pieces of clothing

Thank you for stopping by! If you have feedback, please send it to Jon via the contact page.